Thank you for your interest in Autodesk certification. Please complete the form to receive one Autodesk Certified Professional or Autodesk Certified User certification exam voucher.
Autodesk Certified Professional certification is a credential for advanced and professional Autodesk software users who possess at least 400 hours of real-world Autodesk software experience.
Autodesk Certified User certification is an excellent way for individuals with approximately 150 hours of real-world Autodesk software experience to validate their software skills.
Autodesk Certified Professional:
Autodesk Certified User:
To use your Certiport exam voucher, you will need to create a Certiport Test Candidate account, locate a Certiport Authorized Testing Center in your area, schedule your exam, and present your voucher code when you arrive. Step-by-step instructions can be found here.
The offer is currently not available. Please contact Certiport Authorized Partners team at with questions.